Happy New Year, Rollerskater Post-Arc III Housekeeping
Happy new year, everyone! At least, I hope it’s as happy as it can be. As I type these words, Britain has just gone back into lockdown due to a government that makes the one depicted in Rollerskater look downright benevolent.
As I’m sure you’re aware by now, Rollerskater Arc IV has been announced. It will be titled BLOOD MOON and I’m aiming for a release some time in 2021. This arc will be one of my strangest and most politically charged works to date.

I have made some minor changes to Rollerskater’s previous arcs to bring them more in line with my vision for BLOOD MOON. Previous arcs referred briefly to a concept called the “web of time”, which until recently I was unaware was already the name for a concept from Doctor Who. I don’t believe this was intentional plagiarism, but regardless I felt it was appropriate to replace the concept with something more original and intriguing.
Upon this realisation I’ve decided to retroactively remove references to the “web of time” from Rollerskater and have instead replaced it with a concept that I term the “root system”. The lines affected are in “Causality”, with “tessellation” substitued for “web”:
He blinked a few times, and for a moment he saw a fractal tessellation, infinite, beautiful and terrifying in its complexity, stretching out behind and in front of him, forever—
And he was falling, and suddenly the tessellation bent around him and went through him in a way he couldn’t quite put into words…
Rollerskater: Causality
And “Death”, with “root system” substituted for “web of time”:
“[…] you were able to see time itself; the root system that tethers all matter in patterns of interaction […]”
Rollerskater: Death
I don’t usually make interventions like this, but I felt in this case it was appropriate, and it establishes the way time works in Rollerskater differently to the way it works in much other fiction. I hope to explore such concepts in more detail in the next arc.
I hope everyone has a happy, healthy 2021, and let’s hope this third lockdown is the last one we’ll have to suffer through this year. Stay home and stay safe, and I hope to bring you more Rollerskater as soon as possible.
C R E Mullins, Jan 2021